Veterans Homelessness – Information, statistics, and Resources

According to Volunteers of America, There are many factors involved in veteran homelessness – shortage of affordable housing, difficulty in finding a job with a livable wage that utilizes their military experience, dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and access to health care.   

Stars and Stripes says although the homelessness rate among veterans have been decreasing over the past 10 years, one homeless veteran is one too many.  Although The HUD-VASH program has vouchers for veterans to use, many veterans don’t take advantage of them because of the rising cost of housing and housing related expenses in some parts of the country.

This Month, we are shining a spotlight on Veteran Homelessness.  Being a Veteran family (Karen was in the Navy Nurse Corp and her father was a Marine), we want to work with organizations to raise awareness of veteran homelessness and provide links to resources and websites that can help. 

According to the Volunteers of America website, here are some charities/non-profits to help homeless veterans.

We are active members of several Facebook Veterans-related groups and here are some of the charities/non-profits and other organizations we found to be good resources:

We are still talking with several organizations and will be announcing the organization we will be partnering with during our November Cause – Veterans Homelessness. Above Artistic is a T-shirt Company with a Cause and we will be donating $3 of every shirt sold online to our partner.  Check Back to see who our partner will be!!

Above Artistic Team